As chassidim, we always seek guidance from the Rebbe's teachings in all aspects of life, whether personal or communal, spiritual or mundane. Throughout the years of the Rebbe's leadership, we have been fortunate to have had access to a wealth of guidance. This is especially true when it comes to establishing and maintaining our hiskashrus.
After the passing of the Rebbe Rayatz on Yud Shvat 5710 (1950), the Rebbe established the framework that would guide the seventh generation of Chabad, emphasizing our unwavering commitment to the Rebbe even in his physical absence. As a unifying thread woven into the numerous talks from that period, the Rebbe consistently emphasized that in such circumstances, not only should our hiskashrus not wane; on the contrary, it should continue to grow and inspire us to strengthen our commitment to bring his revolution to the world.
Many of these talks were originally published in the Sichos in English series entitled Proceeding Together. The series is now being revitalized and richly expanded under the new title, Sparking a Revolution. The updated 5 volume series will also include previously unpublished content in English.
For your contribution of $250 or more, you will also receive a complimentary copy of the set when it is printed.